Health Reads


What Does My Abnormal Mammogram Result Mean?


Solis Breast Care and Surgery Centre

Most women would find getting a mammogram uneventful with an estimated 10% of women needing further follow-up tests. Every eight out of 10 women reached out for follow-up tests found no presence of breast cancer. 1 In majority of the cases, the follow-up tests find normal healthy breast tissue or benign non-cancerous breast conditions.
According to Breast Screen Singapore (BSS), for every 1,000 Singaporean women who are screened for breast cancer, about 100 women are reached out for further assessment. Amongst this group of women, about 30 would be required to do a breast biopsy and about five to eight women would find that they have breast cancer.
Thus, if you receive an abnormal mammogram result, it is important for you to see a doctor who can recommend the next course of action required.  The doctor may order additional imaging scans to better identify the abnormal findings. These scans can include one or more of the following:

Diagnostic Mammogram

This second mammogram will be more detailed and may take longer than the initial mammogram. If any of the X-ray images of your breast from the first mammogram are not clear enough, the technician will take more X- rays of specific areas of your breasts, especially the areas that are of particular concern. X-rays of specific breast areas will be taken with higher magnification or cone compression views for more detailed images to determine the presence of any breast cancer. A 3D mammogram may be done coupled with an ultrasound. Learn more about the benefits of a 3D mammogram.

Breast Ultrasound

The ultrasound of the breast works by picking up on the echoes produced by the high-frequency sound waves to generate an image of the tissues and the internal structures of the breasts on the computer. A breast ultrasound is a useful test for women with denser breasts.

During the breast ultrasound, the technician will apply a gel on your breasts and then place a small device called a transducer on it to create images of your breast tissues. This is a painless test and it does not expose you to radiation.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

A breast MRI takes detailed images of the tissues and the internal structures of the breast. It is recommended for women who have a high risk of breast cancer, for instance, with a family history of breast cancer or presence of a hereditary breast cancer genome.

After evaluating the results of these tests, your doctor will be able to advise you. Here are the three possible scenarios:

1.    The abnormal finding was nothing to worry about. Your doctor may recommend you to return to your regular screening routine.

2.    There is nothing to worry about. However, your doctor may advise you to repeat in four to six months’ time for a closer follow-up to monitor any potential changes in the breast tissues over that period of time.

3.    Breast cancer is not ruled out. The breast specialist may recommend a breast biopsy.

Breast Biopsy

A breast biopsy is a procedure where a small sample of tissue from your breast is removed and examined for breast cancer cells. This can be done via fine-needle aspiration biopsy, core needle biopsy, stereotactic biopsy or surgical biopsy. After the procedure, the sample tissue will be sent to the pathologist for examination.

If the result returns negative or benign, no breast cancer is detected. Your breast specialist will advise you on when to have your next mammogram and whether you need any follow-up assessments.

If the result returns positive and breast cancer is detected, your breast specialist will discuss treatment options with you.

Received an abnormal mammogram result and not sure what is the right action to take next? Our breast specialists at Solis Breast Care and Surgery Centre will guide you every step of the way. Book an appointment with us now here.

Solis Breast Care and Surgery Centre is a one-stop assessment centre that focuses on breast care and health. Our services include screening, diagnosis, procedures, surgery and post-care. In collaboration with Luma Women’s Imaging Centre, we offer bespoke breast care and women’s imaging.

Solis Breast Care and Surgery Centre partners Luma Women’s Imaging Centre and offers 3D Mammograms as part of its breast screening services.
