Health Reads


All you ever wanted to ask a breast doctor (but was too afraid to ask)


Solis Breast Care and Surgery Centre

Breast health is something very personal to each of us. Often, you may have concerns or questions but are too afraid or shy to ask your doctor. We sat with two of our Senior Consultant & Breast Surgeons from Solis Breast Care & Surgery, Dr Tang Siau-Wei and Dr Chan Ching Wan, to ask them some questions we have received from friends and family.
  1. My nipples are inverted, should I be concerned? [Dr Tang]
Inverted nipples are fairly common, and are present at birth in around 10% of the population.  In most cases, where it has been present since childhood and has remained stable, there is no need to be too concerned about it.  However, if it is a new change that has developed recently in adulthood, you should see a doctor to evaluate if there is an underlying lump / mass that is causing it.
  1. I have a cyst/pimple on my breast, how do I know if I should see a doctor? [Dr Chan]
If this is a lump in the skin, then it could be an epidermal cyst or a sebaceous cyst. These are common skin lumps and are not dangerous. Breast cysts are collections of fluid within the breast tissue. While they are not dangerous, it is not possible to be sure that they are not lumps (solid tumours) within the breast. As such, it is important to see a doctor in order for an ultrasound scan to be done – this will distinguish whether it is a cyst in the skin, a simple cyst (fluid only) or if the lump is solid.
  1. I am flat-chested, can I still do a mammogram? [Dr Tang]
Yes.  Mammograms can be performed on women of all breast sizes, and can even be performed on men (if required). There are various compression paddles that can be used to help positioning for women with different breast sizes. Since breast cancer does not discriminate based on breast size, it is important to perform regular screening mammograms.
  1. When checking my breast for changes, should I also check other surrounding areas such as the armpits? [Dr Chan]
Yes, after checking for lumps in the breast, it is good to also check for lumps in the hollow of your armpit as these are where lymph nodes can be found. If there was a breast cancer and if the cancer has started to spread outside the breast, the lymph nodes located in the armpit area are the first port of call.
  1. I am menopausing, should I still go for mammogram? [Dr Chan]
Yes, you should. After menopause and as women get older, the risk of breast cancer continues to increase. Thus, it is important to continue with regular screening mammograms once you have reached menopause. Do you have other queries for our doctors? If you do, drop us a line on our whatsapp at (+65) 9139 6472  