Health Reads


5 New Year’s Resolutions Every Woman Should Make


Solis Breast Care and Surgery Centre

As the new year draws closer, let’s take some time to pen down some resolutions as we brace for a better year where we have control and power over our well-being. A woman wears multiple hats, and sometimes, amidst our busy schedules, self-care may be overlooked. Here are 5 resolutions we can make to take better care of ourselves.

1.   Eat Healthily

Try to incorporate 5 portions of fruits and vegetables into your daily diet. Cut down on processed and fast foods, as some could be potential carcinogens of cancer. Always maintain a balanced diet and try not to overeat at parties. It is okay to have cheat days and to indulge once in a while. You deserve it.

2.   Do Regular Exercise

Keep yourself physically active. The Health Promotion Board (HPB) recommends at least 30 minutes of physical activity per day or 150 minutes of physical activity every week. By lowering oestrogen and insulin levels, you are 25 per cent less likely to develop breast cancer. Not only that, regular physical activity also reduces the risk of premature death, the incidence of coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, depression, stroke, high blood pressure, and colon cancer by 20 to 50 per cent.

3.   Spread Positivity

Every one of us will need an outlet to vent once in a while when things do not go as planned, or when someone says something that rubs us the wrong way. In the new year, let’s make a conscious effort to spread positivity through our actions and words. Positivity shines and is highly infectious! Before you are about to say something negative to someone, think about the person’s positive attributes and try to focus on them.

4.   Do your Health Checks

It’s easy to fall into a routine where you go through your days doing the same things, but it’s important to check in with yourself and make sure everything is fine. It can be difficult to ensure that we are properly caring for our bodies, so why not schedule an appointment with a specialist? When you evaluate your own body, you can see what physical changes are taking place and how things are progressing.

If you discover something concerning, you should probably see a doctor for further examination. The earlier something amiss is detected, the better the outcome.

Getting a breast screening with a 3D Mammogram and Ultrasound provides you with greater clarity about your breast health.

If the result of your screening from a mammogram or an ultrasound scan detects abnormalities, your doctor may recommend you to do follow-up assessments such as a breast biopsy.

To learn more about what happens during a breast ultrasound and how to prepare for it, read here.

5.   Taking Action Is the Key to Staying Healthy

If you find a lump in your breast, you may wonder if it is cancerous. If you want to be certain, see a doctor who may recommend a breast biopsy. Biopsies are tests that involve the removal of small samples of tissue to be tested for cancer. These samples are studied under a microscope by a pathologist.

There are several types of biopsy procedures that the breast surgeon would recommend based on a few considerations such as

  • the size and location of the suspicious area;
  • the number of suspicious areas, and
  • how suspicious it looks on the scan image.

Common methods for breast biopsy include a Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA), a Core Needle Biopsy (CNB) or a Vacuum Assisted Biopsy (VAB). These may be performed under image guidance such as mammograms or ultrasounds.
